Tomorrow’s Integrated Care: Interoperability Testing in Guideline-driven Cardiac Telemonitoring
by Catherine E. Chronaki, Stelios Sfakianakis, Yannis Petrakis, George Charalambakis, Lynne Hinterbuchner, Mihai Radulescu, Bob Mulrenin, Christian Lüpkes, Marco Eichelberg, Elena Arbelo, Yildiray Kabak, Gokce Laleci and Asuman Dogac
Catherine E. Chronaki, Stelios Sfakianakis, Yannis Petrakis, George Charalambakis, Lynne Hinterbuchner, Mihai Radulescu, Bob Mulrenin, Christian Lüpkes, Marco Eichelberg, Elena Arbelo, Yildiray Kabak, Gokce Laleci and Asuman Dogac Tomorrow’s Integrated Care: Interoperability Testing in Guideline-driven Cardiac Telemonitoring In IHIC 2011, May, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
@InProceedings{201112IHIC, Title = {Tomorrow's Integrated Care: Interoperability Testing in Guideline-driven Cardiac Telemonitoring}, Author = {Catherine E. Chronaki and Stelios Sfakianakis and Yannis Petrakis and George Charalambakis and Lynne Hinterbuchner and Mihai Radulescu and Bob Mulrenin and Christian Lüpkes and Marco Eichelberg and Elena Arbelo and Yildiray Kabak and Gokce Laleci and Asuman Dogac}, Booktitle = {IHIC 2011}, Year = {2011}, Address = {Orlando, USA}, Month = {May}, Comment = {}, Owner = {SRDC}, Timestamp = {2014.11.21}, Url = {} }