by Dogac A.
Dogac A.Keynote Talk: Exploiting Web Service Semantics in eBusiness Applications In 14th International Workshop on Research Issues on Data Engineering: Web Services for E-Commerce and E-Government RIDE-WS-ECEG’2004, March, 2004.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {Keynote Talk: Exploiting Web Service Semantics in eBusiness Applications},
  Author                   = {Dogac A.},
  Booktitle                = {14th International Workshop on Research Issues on Data Engineering: Web Services for E-Commerce and E-Government RIDE-WS-ECEG'2004},
  Year                     = {2004},

  Address                  = {Boston, USA},
  Month                    = {March},

  Owner                    = {SRDC},
  Timestamp                = {2014.11.18}