TestBATN - a self conformance testing service for interoperability standards

We are providing online automated conformance and interoperability testing services for vendors to test their products for compliance to any interoperability standard. We have extensive experience on a large portfolio of interoperability standards in different domains.

conformance testing, as2, ebxml3/as4, hl7, ihe, ubl, openpeppol, xbrl, cen/bii, dicom, oauth, ehealth, it, financial, saml

Do you need conformance testing?

Take a look at what we have achived in Conformance Testing so far

Global eBusiness Interoperability Testbed (GITB) Phase III

2014-2015 — The final phase of the project will develop the GITB specifications and a proof-of-concept testbed. SRDC is a part of the project with two testbed experts responsible for developing the core testbed specifications and proof-of-concept testbed. At the same time, TestBATN is updated continuously to be compliant with latest GITB specifications.


2010-2011 — SRDC was also a partner in the second phase of GITB project in which the conceptualization of the framework and architecture is performed.

GITB Phase I

2009-2010 — The GITB project was initiated as a CEN Workshop Agreement (CWA) with the objective to build a global interoperability test infrastructure. SRDC was one of the partners in the project and Prof. Dr. Asuman Doğaç was the coordinator of this phase. The first phase deals with the feasibility study and requirement analysis for a global interoperability test infrastructure.

ETSI Special Task Force – 370

SRDC has participated to the ETSI STF-370 "Standardisation of new methodology and framework for Automated Interoperability Testing of Distributed Systems" project as a consultant to provide the conformance testing experiences in eBusiness domain.

Turkish Ministry of Health Testing Service Contract

2008-2009 — A test suite is developed for Turkish National Health Information System (NHIS) specifications and a self-testing service is provided to all Hospital Information System (HIS) vendors in Turkey under the contract with Turkish Ministry of Health.

Interoperability Testing Events for Turkish National Health Information System

2008-2009 — Two interoperability testing events were organized to perform the interoperability tests among HIS vendors and central NHIS system. More than 70 vendors participated to these 1-week events to test their systems by using the TestBATN framework.

TestBATN Product Development Phase

2006-2007 — SRDC is very active in conformance and interoperability testing since 2006. The TestBATN framework is developed within the scope of a project supported by TUBITAK under "Research for the benefit of SMEs" (1507-KOBI ARGE Başlangıç Destek Programı) program.

Would you like to see how our tools work for you?

Contact us with your specification set and requirements.

  • Collaboratively we will develop a business plan
  • We will develop all the necessary test suites (or customize if we had already)
  • We will serve and maintain those test suites over TestBATN and you can start testing
  • Additionally, we can help you to arrange live interoperability testing events (connectivity marathons)

Hit us up via info@srdc.com.tr

or call us at +90 312 210 17 63

or drop by K1-16 Silikon Bina, ODTÜ Teknokent
Çankaya, Ankara, TÜRKİYE 06800