End User Evaluation of the FAIR4Health Data Curation Tool
by Mert Gencturk, Alper Teoman, Celia Alvarez-Romero, Alicia Martinez-Garcia, Carlos Luis Parra-Calderon, Beatriz Poblador-Plou, Matthias Löbe and A. Anil Sinaci
Mert Gencturk, Alper Teoman, Celia Alvarez-Romero, Alicia Martinez-Garcia, Carlos Luis Parra-Calderon, Beatriz Poblador-Plou, Matthias Löbe and A. Anil Sinaci End User Evaluation of the FAIR4Health Data Curation Tool In Medical Informatics Europe (MIE 2021), May, 2021.
Bibtex Entry:
@InProceedings{f4h-mie2021, Title = {End User Evaluation of the FAIR4Health Data Curation Tool}, Author = {Mert Gencturk and Alper Teoman and Celia Alvarez-Romero and Alicia Martinez-Garcia and Carlos Luis Parra-Calderon and Beatriz Poblador-Plou and Matthias Löbe and A. Anil Sinaci}, Booktitle = {Medical Informatics Europe (MIE 2021)}, Year = {2021}, Month = {May}, Address = {Virtual event}, Comment = {https://mie2021.org/en/}, Url = {https://www.researchgate.net/publication/351920138_End_User_Evaluation_of_the_FAIR4Health_Data_Curation_Tool}, Doi = {https://doi.org/10.3233/SHTI210110} }