Health Data Integration Architecture for Continuous Behavioral Health Monitoring and Delivering Personalised, Just-in Time Adaptive Interventions in the ADLIFE Project
by Bunyamin Sarigul, Mert Baskaya, Gokce Banu Laleci Erturkmen, Tuncay Namlı, Mustafa Yuksel, Gokhan Yılmaz, Alper Teoman, Theodoros Arvanitis, Omar Khan, Dolores Verdoy Berastegui, Ana Ortega Gil and Esteban de Manuel
Bunyamin Sarigul, Mert Baskaya, Gokce Banu Laleci Erturkmen, Tuncay Namlı, Mustafa Yuksel, Gokhan Yılmaz, Alper Teoman, Theodoros Arvanitis, Omar Khan, Dolores Verdoy Berastegui, Ana Ortega Gil and Esteban de Manuel Health Data Integration Architecture for Continuous Behavioral Health Monitoring and Delivering Personalised, Just-in Time Adaptive Interventions in the ADLIFE Project In The 22nd International Conference on Integrated Care (ICIC22), May, 2022.
Bibtex Entry:
@InProceedings{adlife-icic-2022, Title = {Health Data Integration Architecture for Continuous Behavioral Health Monitoring and Delivering Personalised, Just-in Time Adaptive Interventions in the ADLIFE Project}, Author = {Bunyamin Sarigul and Mert Baskaya and Gokce Banu Laleci Erturkmen and Tuncay Namlı and Mustafa Yuksel and Gokhan Yılmaz and Alper Teoman and Theodoros Arvanitis and Omar Khan and Dolores Verdoy Berastegui and Ana Ortega Gil and Esteban de Manuel}, Booktitle = {The 22nd International Conference on Integrated Care (ICIC22)}, Year = {2022}, Month = {May}, Address = {Odense, Denmark}, Comment = {}, Url = {}, Doi = {} }