8 and A Distributed Parallel Object Manager for Smalltalk In Ninth Intl. Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, November, .
7 , and MAESTRO 7: An Index Selection Tool for Oracle 7 In ORACLE User Week, September, .
6 , and Comparison of Clustering Algorithms in a Single User Environment through 007 Benchmark In East-West Database Workshop, September, , pp. 77 - 89.
5 , and Comparison of Clustering Algorithms in a Single User Environment through Sun Benchmark In European Joint Conference on Engineering Systems Design and Analysis, July, .
4 METU Object-Oriented Database System In ACM SIGMOD Intl. Conf. on Management of Data, May, .
3 , and MAESTRO 7: An Index Selection Tool for Oracle 7 In Intl. Workshop on Next Generation Database Systems, February, .
2 , , and Advances in Object-Oriented Database Systems (Dogac A., Ozsu T., Biliris A., Sellis T., eds.), Springer, volume 130, .
1 , , and METU Object- Oriented DBMS Chapter in Advances in Object-Oriented Database Systems (Dogac A., Ozsu T., Biliris A., Sellis T., eds.), Springer, volume 30, , pp. 327 - 354.