Improving your health through research and innovation.

Chronic Disease Management and Remote Health Monitoring

We build chronic disease management solutions based on semi-automatic execution of clinical practice guidelines collecting patient status from Electronic Health Record systems and wireless medical sensor devices, and provide decision support to health care professionals, as well as to the patients to manage their chronic conditions. Patients, caregivers, and health care professionals can be alerted about critical situations about patient’s current status.

Interoperability between Health IT Systems

Do you need support for integrating disparate, heterogeneous health IT solutions? We can support you for implementing interoperability solutions based on international eHealth standards, and IHE integration profiles. Are you a clinical research institute that aims to access Electronic Health Records for clinical research purposes? SRDC can support you to address semantic interoperability hurdles to access and meaningfully analyze electronic health records through a semantic metadata registry and a terminology mapping server.

Mobile Health Applications

Do you need mobile health applications to facilitate close co-operation with your patients as a hospital? Or as a patient do you want to keep track of your own health status, view your lab results, past illnesses, or monitor your body weight and activities? We can provide you mobile health applications that can collect vital signs from wireless medical sensors, enable the management of personal health records through mobile interfaces, and enable co-management of chronic diseases by the patients and caregivers through a mobile platform.

Consultancy on eHealth Standards

We have vast experience in international eHealth standards and terminology systems including:

  • HL7 Messaging Architecture
  • HL7 Clinical Document Architecture (CDA)
  • Integrating Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) interoperability profiles
  • ISO/IEC 11073 – Health informatics - Medical / health device communication standards
  • Continua Health Alliance Specifications
  • CDISC Standards
  • eHealth Terminology systems including SNOMED CT, LOINC, ICD9, ICD10, RxNorm, ATC, MedDRA

Do you need training, consultancy and interoperability testing services related with these standards? SRDC can be your business partner.

Take a look at what we have achived in eHealth so far:

You can download the document presenting eHealth activities of SRDC.

Would you like to work with us on eHealth?

We would love to hear from you!

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or call us at +90 312 210 17 63

or drop by K1-16 Silikon Bina, ODTÜ Teknokent
Çankaya, Ankara, TÜRKİYE 06800