SRDC’nin açık kaynak ve ücretsiz Ulusal Kontakt Noktası (National Contact Point – NCP) yazılımı ile epSOS projesine sağladığı katkılar European Hospital IT 2012 dergisinde yayınlandı. Makaleden bazı alıntılar (İngilizce):

‘The new European network for exchanging medical records between countries is proving to be robust and reliable. But, it would not be Europe if someone didn’t shake it all up,’ says John Brosky.

In 2011 Turkey validated its ability to connect with the Tiani NCP at Connectathon. According to Mustafa Yüksel, a lead engineer with Software Research Development & Consulting (SRDC; Ankara), ‘We did not like hearing that the epSOS backbone was closed-source, and then we learned that, in the end, we’ll be asked to pay a license fee.’ At this year’s European Connectathon, the young Turks from SRDC arrived not as a national network participant, but as a vendor testing an NCP solution it developed in less than a year using open-source code.

Two countries, Estonia and Finland, went to Bern for the Connectathon to test the SRDC alternative to the Tiani NCP system at the Connectathon in Bern. ‘Estonia asked for our implementation and then adopted it for their national system,’ Mustafa Yüksel explained. ‘They then picked up an existing epSOS portal solution from a Greek company and adapted it, so this is a very European initiative.’

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