Integrating eCommerce with B2B Excellence

We provide a robust ecosystem for supply chain actors, enhancing market visibility and optimizing business processes through advanced automation of B2B communication.

A Sectorial Ecosystem

In today's competitive manufacturing landscape, the creation of a sectorial ecosystem is crucial for fostering innovation and efficiency. Our approach focuses on integrating various stakeholders, including manufacturers, suppliers, and service providers, into a cohesive network. This integration facilitates the seamless exchange of information, resources, and services, ultimately driving industry-wide advancements and collaborative growth.

Asset Catalogues

We provide manufacturers and service providers with robust capabilities to annotate their assets, including products and services, with meaningful metadata. This allows for the definition of alternative pricing options and trading terms. By integrating sector-specific taxonomies, we enrich assets with metadata relevant to their specific industry. As a result, assets become easily searchable with useful filters related to asset characteristics, sustainability, company ratings, or trust, enhancing discoverability and decision-making.

Frictionless B2B for Seamless Supply Chains

Our approach exceeds traditional eCommerce by incorporating comprehensive B2B procedures that facilitate asset discovery, ordering, information inquiries, negotiation, fulfillment, and transportation planning. Tailored for SMEs, our solutions simplify the management of interactions among trading partners through intuitive sales and purchase dashboards that provide clear communication traces, ensuring streamlined and efficient business operations.

Advanced Negotiation

Establishing trust among trading partners can often necessitate on-site visits to verify facilities or products. Our information inquiry processes facilitate obtaining detailed information about assets and production processes, thereby aiding trust establishment. Additionally, negotiating on terms such as delivery, pricing, warranty, and insurance becomes more efficient with our advanced negotiation tools. Once companies reach an agreement on trading terms, these can be reused for extended periods, facilitating future transactions and fostering long-term business relationships.

Multi-level Configuration

Our platform's strength lies in its multi-level configuration capabilities, enabling companies to tailor the system to their unique business processes. Configuration options include:

  • Customizing B2B procedures to align with specific business practices.
  • Setting default trading terms for streamlined negotiation processes.
  • Specifying company or product-specific certificates.
  • Applying default trading terms to entire asset catalogues or individual assets.
These options ensure that the platform adapts to the distinct needs and preferences of each company, enhancing operational efficiency and flexibility.

Enhanced Interoperability

Our platform ensures enhanced interoperability by adopting globally recognized standards such as Universal Business Language (UBL) and eClass. UBL provides a royalty-free library of standard electronic XML business documents commonly used in supply chain operations, facilitating seamless communication and data exchange. eClass, an ISO/IEC-compliant industry standard, enables cross-industry product and service classification, promoting uniformity and clarity across various sectors. These standards ensure that our platform can integrate effortlessly with diverse systems and workflows, supporting efficient and accurate business operations.

Take a look at our projects in the Smart Factories domain:


NIMBLE is an EU-funded, H2020 project that aims to optimize and automate the communication and collaboration among supply chain partners. Considering that the NIMBLE platform is composed of many modular technical components for B2B procedures, catalogue management, search and so on, SRDC is the developer of most of the components. The NIMBLE platform provides relatively more experimental features also including track and trace of production processes as well as sharing of production data and product life-cycle management. Furthermore, NIMBLE is a federated platform such that multiple NIMBLE instances, maintaining their own user, company and product spaces, can interact with each other as if they are no separate instances.


EFPF is a unified platform that incorporates a number of B2B platform specialized in supply chain automation, matchmaking and distribute production planning, production information management and shop-floor connectivity. The EFPF platform provides a unified API on top the underlying features. SRDC is responsible from integration of the NIMBLE platform into the EFPF platform. SRDC works also on an accounting service that tracks user actions on the platform and visualizes them with graphical dashboards. Furthermore, SRDC works on integration of a payment gateway to the EFPF platform so that companies can realize payments of orders via the platform.

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Çankaya, Ankara, TÜRKİYE 06800