by E. Arbelo, A. Dogac, C. Luepkes, M. Ploessnig, C. Chronaki, L. Hinterbuchner, A. Guillen and J. Brugada
E. Arbelo, A. Dogac, C. Luepkes, M. Ploessnig, C. Chronaki, L. Hinterbuchner, A. Guillen and J. Brugada iCARDEA: an intelligent platform for personalized remote monitoring of the cardiac patients with electronic implantable devices In Europace 2011, June, 2011.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {iCARDEA: an intelligent platform for personalized remote monitoring of the cardiac patients with electronic implantable devices},
  Author                   = {E. Arbelo and A. Dogac and C. Luepkes and M. Ploessnig and C. Chronaki and L. Hinterbuchner and A. Guillen and J. Brugada},
  Booktitle                = {Europace 2011},
  Year                     = {2011},

  Address                  = {Madrid, Spain},
  Month                    = {June},

  Comment                  = {},
  Owner                    = {SRDC},
  Timestamp                = {2014.11.21},
  Url                      = {}