Modular Patient Empowerment Framework for Self-Management of Diabetes: Design Perspectives and Validation Results
by Lamprinos, Ilias E., Pabst, Alexander, Mantwill, Sarah, Kabak, Yildiray and Ploessnig, Manuela
Lamprinos, Ilias E., Pabst, Alexander, Mantwill, Sarah, Kabak, Yildiray and Ploessnig, ManuelaModular Patient Empowerment Framework for Self-Management of Diabetes: Design Perspectives and Validation Results In Biomedical and Health Informatics for Diabetes, March, 2015.
Bibtex Entry:
@Article{empowerBHID, Title = {Modular Patient Empowerment Framework for Self-Management of Diabetes: Design Perspectives and Validation Results}, Author = {Lamprinos, Ilias E. and Pabst, Alexander and Mantwill, Sarah and Kabak, Yildiray and Ploessnig, Manuela}, Journal = {Biomedical and Health Informatics for Diabetes}, Year = {2015}, Month = {March}, Note = {Accepted for publication} }