Patient-Empowerment Services for Diabetes Self-Management
by Strohmeier, Felix, Lamprinos, Ilias and Kabak, Yildiray
Strohmeier, Felix, Lamprinos, Ilias and Kabak, Yildiray Patient-Empowerment Services for Diabetes Self-Management In MIE 2014, September, 2014.
Bibtex Entry:
@InProceedings{empowermie, Title = {Patient-Empowerment Services for Diabetes Self-Management}, Author = {Strohmeier, Felix and Lamprinos, Ilias and Kabak, Yildiray}, Booktitle = {MIE 2014}, Year = {2014}, Address = {Istanbul, Turkey}, Month = {September}, Owner = {SRDC}, Url = {} }