SAPHIRE – Intelligent Healthcare Monitoring based on Semantic Interoperability Platform – The Homecare Scenario
by Hein A., Nee O., Willemsen D., Scheffold T., Dogac A. and Laleci G.
Hein A., Nee O., Willemsen D., Scheffold T., Dogac A. and Laleci G. SAPHIRE – Intelligent Healthcare Monitoring based on Semantic Interoperability Platform – The Homecare Scenario In European Conference on eHealth (ECEH06), October, 2006, pp. 179 – 190.
Bibtex Entry:
@InProceedings{heinECEH2006, Title = {SAPHIRE - Intelligent Healthcare Monitoring based on Semantic Interoperability Platform - The Homecare Scenario}, Author = {Hein A. and Nee O. and Willemsen D. and Scheffold T. and Dogac A. and Laleci G.}, Booktitle = {European Conference on eHealth (ECEH06)}, Year = {2006}, Address = {Fribourg, Switzerland}, Month = {October}, Pages = {179 - 190}, Comment = {}, Owner = {SRDC}, Timestamp = {2014.11.18}, Url = {} }