by Ozen B., Kilic O., Altinel M. and Dogac A.
Ozen B., Kilic O., Altinel M. and Dogac A. Highly Personalized Information Delivery to Mobile Clients In Wireless Network: The Journal of Mobile Communication, Computation and Information, volume 10, November, 2004, pp. 665 – 683.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {Highly Personalized Information Delivery to Mobile Clients},
  Author                   = {Ozen B. and Kilic O. and Altinel M. and Dogac A.},
  Journal                  = {Wireless Network: The Journal of Mobile Communication, Computation and Information},
  Year                     = {2004},

  Month                    = {November},
  Number                   = {6},
  Pages                    = {665 - 683},
  Volume                   = {10},

  Comment                  = {},
  Owner                    = {SRDC},
  Timestamp                = {2014.11.18},
  Url                      = {}