by Sinaci, A. Anil, Namli, Tuncay, Postaci, Senan, Gencturk, Mert and Laleci Erturkmen, Gokce B.
Sinaci, A. Anil, Namli, Tuncay, Postaci, Senan, Gencturk, Mert and Laleci Erturkmen, Gokce B. Transforming Health Data into Timeseries for Predictive Analytics In 11th Congress of Medical Informatics (TurkMIA), November, 2018.
Bibtex Entry:
  Title                    = {Transforming Health Data into Timeseries for Predictive Analytics},
  Author                   = {Sinaci, A. Anil and Namli, Tuncay and Postaci, Senan and Gencturk, Mert and Laleci Erturkmen, Gokce B.},
  Booktitle                = {11th Congress of Medical Informatics (TurkMIA)},
  Year                     = {2018},
  Month                    = {November},
  Address                  = {Ankara, Turkey},
  Url 					   = {}