12 , , , , , and A Workflow-based Electronic Marketplace on the Web In ACM Sigmod Record Special Section on Electronic Commerce, volume 27, December, , pp. 25 - 31.
11 , , and The MARIFlow Project: A Workflow Management System for the Maritime Industry In 1st European Workshop on Workflow and Process Management (WPM '98), October, .
10 , and History Management in Workflow Systems In International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, October, .
9 , and Distributed Object Computing Platforms In Communications of the ACM, volume 41, September, , pp. 95 - 103.
8 , , , , and METU_EMar: Agent-based Electronic Marketplace on the Web In 7th Delos Workshop on IPR and Economic Issues for Digital Libraries, September, .
7 An Electronic Marketplace In Intl. Workshop on Component-based Electronic Commerce, July, .
6 , , , , and Task Handling in Workflow Management Systems In International Workshop on Issues and Applications of Database Technology, IADT'98, June, .
5 A Survey of the Current State-of-the-Art in Electronic Commerce and Research Issues in Enabling Technologies In Euro-Med Net 98 Conference, March, .
4 , and Workflow History Management In ACM Sigmod Record, volume 27, March, , pp. 67 - 75.
3 and Guest Editorial: Recent Advances in Database Research In Journal of Database Management, volume 9, Fall, .
2 , and Advances in Multimedia Information Systems (Jajodia S., Ozsu M. T., Dogac A., eds.), Springer, volume 1508, .
1 , , and Workflow Management Systems and Interoperability (Dogac A., Kalinichenko L., Ozsu T., Sheth A., eds.), Springer, volume 164, .